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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nigga.... WHAT?!

Nigger. NIgga. Nucca. Niggy. Niggelo. Niggachu. Nig nig nig nig nig…. And any other way you wanna spell it or say it phonetically, this word has divided and separated. Showed love and showed hate. Shown trust and bonded and degraded and ashamed. How could this one word have so much power?

Nigger is a variant of the Spanish word negro, meaning black. It has since then taken on the racist connotation to degrade black people and bring attention to the “ignorance” they had. Horrible right? How can this word bring anything BUT negativity? I’ll explain later.

It has come to my attention by a friend of mine, I’ll call her Black Becky, that white people are still seeking to control the power of this word.

*** Side note: has anyone heard Plies song "Becky"? someone give THAT nigga a glass a bleach and tell him to sip slowly.***

nigga 1nigga 2

I was informed that while at a mixer Black Becky overheard someone using the omnipotent n-word. Black Becky then courteously asked the nice Caucasian people to not use that word because it offended her. This is when the white people got up in arms. They were upset that Black Becky asked them to refrain from using the word, derogatory or not, and they were confused as to why she could use it and they could not. She simply said, that word has a special connotation with me and I would prefer you not use it. (She told me this is how she said it be we know how coloreds can be, but I don’t think how she said it is the issue.) And why do white people always say why can you use it and I can't? You can't tell me what to do! Why people?!?!?

I think that the fact that she voiced her concern and opposition to the word should have been more than enough to silence all and let that be the end. The Caucasian male in the group, he was accompanied by two white females, then voiced that he and his friends all use the word in the privacy of their own homes all the time, and that they use it in the same manner as black people. “You my nigga!” does not mean the same thing when a white guy says it to his friends, white or black, versus when a black guy says it to his friends, white or black. Sorry. It’s true and it’s a double standard. It is what it is. Don’t argue cuz it’s not gonna change.

In our culture it has become taboo to use certain derogatory terms towards groups of people. For instance, in the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, transsexual, queer or questioning) community certain words are unacceptable. Therefore to not offend them we practice discretion in case we might offend. We don't question, because it truly doesn't matter why it offends them. We accept that. I would never tell a gay person I use f***ot around my home because that's disrespectful and what i do in my home is my business.

Why do white people, and people of other races, want to say nigger? What grandeur do they see in having their “bros” become their “niggas”? This summer I worked at a summer camp and made some lifelong friends. But there was one, who was cool as shit, that wanted to refer to me as his “nigga.” I don’t want to be any white dudes “nigga”. That’s called slavery homie. I know a lot of white guys (it always seems to be the guys who wanna push the envelope) use the word nigga all the time around their friends and in their cars when they listen to the TI vs TIP or the 36 mafia joint unedited. I guarantee, if you’re white, if you play Jay-Z’s “Nigga What Nigga Who” in a room of white ppl at least one will say “nigga” when the time comes. I’ve seen it happen. Some do it totally on accident and look at me apologetically and some do it purposefully and look at me ostentatiously waiting for a riot. I will accept the apology but I will not reward you with the reaction you want you who push the envelope.

Some may disagree that we need to do away with double standards but this one is here to stay, and the sooner people realize that the better we all will be. I don’t think the power of the word comes from the fact that black people use it at all. Hell for years black people have been taking lemons and making lemonade or crusty powder in a pouch and making kool-aid, which ever you choose. Have you SMELLED CHITTERLINGS! They smell like hot crackhead breath with a hint of shit. Makes me wanna vomit, but that’s what the slaves ate and a lot of people think they are delicious. And now even white people eat them.

So many things blacks were handed disdainfully once Plymouth rock hit a nigga in the head, yet in many of these cases we’ve made due. The word nigga has held us down for years, but in today’s culture “my niggas” are the ones I would go to the end of the earth for. To me, they called black people “niggers” because we were not them, that we were beneath them, that we were ignorant, that we were different. Ok, but by that grouping and separation from them, we’ve become a strong culture (although we have been slippin’) that seeks unity and family from one another. The black woman being the cornerstone of this. So “my niggas” are my family. Hell one of my worse nightmares is waking up white and losing all of the culture I know and appreciate.

Now don't get me wrong, I can still say, "Look at that DUMB NIGGA!" and mean it negatively. Sorry it's too intricate to get into. But this is just another aspect of why I feel only black people should say it.

The power in the word comes from the people who detest it and try to strike it down at every chance they get. By acting like black people shouldn't use the word still gives it power over me. No sir. White people should not think they should say it and should just accept it. They’re ancestors gave it the negative connotation and we’ve chose to make it work for us in a totally different way. Nowhere in there do other people get rights to the word. Double standard? Of course, but let it go if you’re not black. LET IT GO! We got dibbs by right. If you say any variation of the word nigger and you’re not black we will take it differently and probably negatively. An explanation really isn’t necessary.

L’Chaim nigga..... just playin'…. P!ed P!per


1 comment:

  1. never ceases to make me laugh..crackheads breath and a hint of
